LUngsong [performance]
LungSong is an eco-feminist response to the temper(ature) of our times.
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Choreographed and directed by Carol Brown. Performed by Emilia Rubio, Jasmin Canuel, Maryam Bagheri Nesami, Neza Jamnikar, Russell Scoones, Libby Johns and Amir Shahmohammadi. Sound design and composition by Russell Scoones. Videography by Yin-Chi Lee. Curated by Ina Patisolo. Funded by Faculty Research and Development Funding, The University of Auckland.
LungSong was performed as part of the EcoWest Festival on the rooftop of Lopdell House, Titirangi Auckland in association with Te Tru Gallery, 13th April 2019 5pm & 6pm.